전임 연구원

Maria Massaro 고려대 정보문화연구소
관심분야 spectrum sharing, 5G, Industry 4.0, lobbying, international affairs
Degree 박사
Email mariamassaro.m@gmail.com; maria@korea.ac.kr
I am a Research Professor at the Center of ICT and Society (CIS), Korea University. Here, I am conducting qualitative interdisciplinary research on different aspects of the mobile communication industry, including the role of government in the 5G ecosystem.
In November 2013, I graduated from Luiss Guido Carli University with a master’s degree in Law and Economics (Rome, Italy). In December 2019, I earned a PhD degree in Technology Management and Economics from Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden).
Over the past seven years, I have worked independently and collaborated in interdisciplinary projects by collecting data, drafting reports and organizing training sessions for regulators and business actors. I have presented my research at international conferences and published in peer reviewed journals in the area of telecommunications and digital economy. I have also lectured undergraduate students and engaged with the wider public both in written and oral forms.
주요 연구분야
I have a special interest in radio spectrum management. As stated by Martin Cave & Willian Webb (2015: 3): “Life without the services reliant upon spectrum would be unthinkable.” The radio spectrum is the natural resource which supports the provision of commercial mobile internet and television broadcasting services, critical public services, such as defence, air-traffic control, weather forecasts, and scientific activities, including space research. Due to the exponential growth of mobile data usage and the pervasive impact of mobile communication technology on nearly every aspect of our life, effective radio spectrum management has become one of the most critical contemporary policy issues worldwide.
대표 연구실적
Massaro, M. (2020). "Book Details: Frequencies. International spectrum policy", Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, Vol. 22 No. 5/6, p. 455-458. https://doi.org/10.1108/DPRG-09-2020-117.
Massaro, M. and Beltrán, F. (2020). Will 5G lead to more spectrum sharing? Discussing recent developments of the LSA and the CBRS spectrum sharing frameworks, Telecommunications Policy, 44(7).
Massaro, M. (2019). Is business lobbying in the European Union context-dependent? Evidence from the policy field of radio spectrum, Telecommunications Policy, 43(10).
Massaro, M. (2019). Between integration and protection of national sovereignty in the European Union’s radio spectrum policy: uncovering potential research avenues, Journal of Information Policy, 9: 158–197.
Massaro, M. (2018). Radio spectrum regulation as a matter of international affairs: discussing the effectiveness of the European Union at World Radiocommunication Conferences, Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, 20(5): 373–398.