Associate researchers

Changi Nam
Emeritus Professor in School of Business and Technology Management, KAIST
KAIST ICT Endowed Chair Professor, School of Business and Technology Management, KAIST [Mar. 2017– Feb. 2020]
Professor, School of Business and Technology Management, KAIST [Mar. 2009– Feb. 2020]
Professor, School of IT Business, Information and Communications University (ICU), [Jan. 2005 –Feb. 2009]
Dean, School of IT Business, ICU [March 2001-May 2003, Sep. 2008-Jun.2009]
Associate Professor, School of IT Business, ICU [Jan. 2001– Dec. 2004]
Senior Research Fellow and Executive Director of Strategy Consulting Center, Planning and Coordinating Division, Postal and Postal Banking Policy Division, etc. Korea Information Society Development institute (KISDI) (1988-2000)
Ph.D., Graduate School of Business, Georgia State University [1988.5]
B.A., School of Business, Seoul National University [Feb. 1978]
Main research area
Application of Financial Theories to ICT Industry, Performance Evaluation, Valuation
Lim, J., Nam, C., Kim, S., Rhee, H., Lee, E., & Lee, H. Forecasting 3G mobile subscription in china: A study based on stochastic frontier analysis and a bass diffusion model, Telecommunications Policy, 2012
Kim, S., Nam, C., Jung, HK., Ryu, MH., Adoption of Fixed-mobile Convergence in the US Telecommunication Industry, Journal of research and practice in information technology, 42(3), pp. 207-218, Aug. 2010
Nam, C. ,Kwon, Y. ,Kim, S ,Lee, H, Estimating scale economies of the wireless telecommunications industry using EVA data, Telecommunications policy, 33, pp. 29-40, Feb. 2009
Nam, C ,Kim, S ,Lee, H, The role of WiBro: Filling the gaps in mobile broadband technologies, Technological furcating and social change, 75(3), p. 438-448, Mar. 2008
Lee, H ,Kim, S ,Nam, C ,Han, SH, Earnings Management of Acquiring Firms in Stock-for-Stock Takeovers in the Telecommunications Industry, Journal of media economics, 21(4), pp217-233, 2008