Senior researchers

Sejung Marina Choi
Professor in the School of Media and Communication, Korea University
Interests Advertising, Consumer Psychology, New Media
Degree Ph.D. in Mass Media (Advertising)
Sejung Marina Choi is Professor in the School of Media and Communication at Korea University who teaches advertising and consumer psychology courses. She earned her master's degree in advertising and doctoral degree in Mass Media from Michigan State University. Prior to graduate study, she Prof. Choi gained professional experience in the field of advertising as Account Executive at Oricom, Inc. Before joining the Korea University faculty, she was Professor in the Department of Advertising at the University of Texas at Austin for 10 years. Prof. Choi has served as Editor-in-chief of The Korean Journal of Advertising and Public Relations and President of the Korea Marketing Management Association and has authored many books and journal articles.
Main research area
Prof. Choi’s research interests are in the areas of alternative media, communication technology, and advertising. Her research looks into the use and impact of data and technology with the interest in how media and content are produced, distributed, and consumed as well as how marketing communication should change in the current media environment. Her recent research projects deals with the topics of media commerce (content commerce, live commerce, etc.), influencer marketing, programmatic advertising, chatbots, AI speakers, and media corporations’ EGS activities.
Kim, Y. & Choi, S. M. (2000). When good becomes bad: the role of corporate crisis and issue congruence, International Journal of Advertising, 39(4), 571-586.
Kim. S., & Choi, S. M. (2018). Congruence Effects in Post-crisis CSR Communication: The Mediating Role of Attribution of Corporate Motives, Journal of Business Ethics, 153(2), 447-463.
Sung, Y., Kim, E., & Choi, S. M. (2018). #Me and brands: understanding brand-selfie posters on social media, International Journal of Advertising, 37(1), 14-28.
Choi, T. R., Sung, Y., Lee, J., & Choi, S. M. (2017). Get behind my selfies: The Big Five traits and social networking behaviors through selfies, Personality and Individual Differences, 109, 98-101.
Kim, E., Lee, J., Sung, Y., & Choi, S. M. (2016). Predicting selfie-posting behavior on social networking sites: An extension of theory of planned behavior, 116-123.